Mehiläinen’s corporate responsibility is guided by policies
Human Rights Policy
The human rights policy describes the principles, objectives, and key procedures of Mehiläinen's human rights work and is applied to all individuals working at Mehiläinen, independent professionals, and subcontractors in contractual relationships, both in Finland and in subsidiary companies.

Mehiläinen's Code of Conduct
The general operating principles of Mehiläinen outline the conduct of everyone working at Mehiläinen, including staff and professionals. Mehiläinen's partners are also required to commit to these principles.

Supplier Code Of Conduct
Mehiläinen aims to ensure that the operations of its supplier network are responsible and safe, and that the business is sustainable. The activities of the supplier network are guided by Mehiläinen's Supplier Code of Conduct, the suppliers' code of conduct.

Tax Policy
Mehiläinen aims to be a good taxpayer and a trendsetter in promoting an open tax policy.

Environmental Policy
The goal of Mehiläinen's environmental policy is to promote the consideration of environmental impacts in all company operations. The policy describes the common principles, objectives, and key procedures of Mehiläinen's environmental work.