Mehiläinen Tammisaari
Avoinna joka toinen lauantai klo 9-15 (kts poikkeukselliset aukioloajat)
Opening hours
See more details of opening hours for each service.
Monday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 15:00 |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday 9.12. | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Tuesday 10.12. | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Wednesday 11.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday 12.12. | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Friday 13.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Saturday 14.12. | 09:00 - 15:00 |
Sunday 15.12. | Closed |
Ajanvaraus Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksen kautta tai puhelimitse numerosta suomeksi 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge), på svenska 010 414 0100 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Monday 9.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Tuesday 10.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Wednesday 11.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday 12.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Friday 13.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Saturday 14.12. | Closed |
Sunday 15.12. | Closed |
Ajanvaraus Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksen kautta tai puhelimitse numerosta suomeksi 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge), på svenska 010 414 0100 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Monday 9.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Tuesday 10.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Wednesday 11.12. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday 12.12. | 08:00 - 14:00 |
Friday 13.12. | 08:00 - 14:00 |
Saturday 14.12. | Closed |
Sunday 15.12. | Closed |
HUOM 22.11.24 Auki klo 8-12
Laboratorio sijaitsee 2. kerroksessa.
Laboratorioon voi varata ajan tai tulla ilman ajanvarausta laboratorion aukioloaikoina.
Laboratoriossamme ei oteta PAPA näytteitä.
Alle 15-vuotiailta lapsilta vaaditaan aina lääkärin tekemä lähete laboratoriotutkimuksiin.
Laboratoriet är på andra våningen.
Provtagning med eller utan tidsbokning under laboratoriets öppethållningstider.
Vi tar inte PAPA-prov på vårt laboratorium.
För provtagning av barn under 15 år krävs alltid läkarremiss.
Ajanvarausta vaativat tutkimukset / Undersökningar som kräver tidsbokning:
- Spirometria / Spirometri Ajan voi varata verkkoajanvarauksesta, Spirometria ja bronkodilataatiokoe/Spirometri och bronkodilatationstest
- EKG pitkäaikaisrekisteröinti (24h) / Holter , tai soittamalla ajanvaraukseen tai suoraan laboratorioon 040 4874455
- RR 24h soittamalla suoraan laboratorioon 040 4874455
- Ambulatorinen Yöpolygrafia Yöpolygrafiatutkimus Pt-PolAMB, tai soittamalla ajanvaraukseen tai suoraan laboratorioon 040 4874455
Rasitus-EKG ajanvaraus: varaa soittopyyntö SHTA-listalle.
Suomeksi 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge), på svenska 010 414 0100 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Tammisaaren laboratorio: 040 4874455 arkipäivisin klo 8-14
Tammisaaren Mehiläisessä ei ole tällä hetkellä kuvantamisen mahdollisuutta. Lähin kuvantaminen Mehiläisessä on Lohjalla tai Salossa. Ostopalvelu HUS:ilta, Raaseporin sairaala Tammisaaressa missä kuvataan vain natiivit Mehiläisen omalla lähetteellä; Hangon, Tammisaaren ja Karjaan toimipisteen lähetteillä.
Det finns för tillfället ingen röntgen i Ekenäs Mehiläinen. Närmaste Mehiläinens röntgen i Lojo eller Salo. Som köptjänst från HUS-röntgen Raseborgs sjukhus fås nativbilder och då enbart med Mehiläinens egen remiss från Hangös, Ekenäs och Karis enheterna.
Voi ilmoittautua OmaMehiläinen mobiilisovelluksella, itseilmoitusautomaatilla tai kassalla 2. kerroksessa.
Kassapalvelut sijaitsevat 2. kerroksessa.
Laskua maksaessa tulee näyttää Kela-kortti, jotta voimme antaa Kela-korvauksen käynnin yhteydessä.
Laskutus tapahtuu heti vastaanoton jälkeen kassalla. Maksutavat ovat pankkikortti, luottokortti ja lasku.
Mahdolliset laskureklamaatiot osoitetaan: tai numeroon 010 414 0505 (local network rate/mobile charge) (ma-pe 8-16).
Sairaanhoitajan vastaanotto vain ajanvarauksella.
Sairaanhoitajan tekemät toimenpiteet:
-Haavahoidot, sidosten vaihto
-Ompeleiden ja hakasten poistot
-Valohoidot (lähetteellä)
Havrix (2 pistosta:0, 6-12kk)
Engerix (3 pistosta: 0, 1 ja 6kk)
Twinrix ADULT (3 pistosta: 0, 1 ja 6kk)
Twinrix Pediatric (1-15v)
Encepur/Ticovac Junior (1-11v)
KEUHKOKUUME (pneumonia, pneumokokki): Apexxnar
VYÖRUUSU: Shingrix
HPV-VIIRUS: Gardasil (tarkista saatavuus tp:stä!)
KELTAKUUME Stamaril ja POLIO: Potilas tuo itse rokotteen mukanaan
Arrival instructions
At Mehiläinen Tammisaari, you can register in the following ways:
Self-registration kiosks: You can use the self-registration kiosks located on the 2nd floor of the medical center.
OmaMehiläinen app: Through the mobile app, you can conveniently register anywhere before your appointment. However, we recommend registering near the reception room to avoid being called before your arrival. The app allows you to check the exact details of your appointment, including the room number and floor.
Cashier Services: Cashier services are located on the 2nd floor of the medical center.
Mehiläinen Tammisaari is located in the centre of Tammisaari, at Asematie 6. In the same building there is a pharmacy, a bank and Synsam on the street level.
Parking: There are free parking spaces next to the facility at Ystadinkatu 15 and Asematie 6, Tammisaari. Parking is free, but some spaces have a 2-hour limit with a parking disc.
Accessible parking: Two accessible parking spaces are located on Asematie, very close to the facility.
Arrival by taxi or drop-off: Taxis and accompanier's cars can stop very close to the medical center's entrance.
Arrival by public transport: Trains and buses stop at the same station, which is about a 450-meter walk to Mehiläinen. Detailed arrival instructions from the station can be found hereExternal link.
Arrival by bicycle: There are bicycle racks in front of the building.
Accessible entrance: The building has an accessible entrance, but the entrance door is not automated. The door leading to cashier services and the medical center is always open. There is a stair lift to the reception area, allowing wheelchair access to the medical center's reception. Staff will assist customers if needed.
Elevator accessibility: There is one elevator in the building, which is accessible. The elevator provides access to the 2nd and 3rd floors.
Accessible restrooms: There is a clearly marked accessible restroom located on the 2nd floor.
Signage: There are clear signs at the entrance and inside the premises.
Lightning: The interior has sufficient and even lighting that does not cause glare.
Waiting area seating: The waiting areas have seats with and without armrests, as well as a high chair.
Mobility options: Movement within our premises is unobstructed, with ample space for mobility aids such as wheelchairs. Customers with mobility impairments can drive to the main entrance of the pharmacy, close to Mehiläinen's entrance, where there is a ramp to the interior and access to the elevator.
Assistive devices: One wheelchair is available for loan at the medical center and can be requested at the reception.
Briefly about the location
Medical center Mehiläinen Tammisaari offers comprehensive health services to all age groups easily and swiftly. Our services include: inclusive general practitioner and specialist doctor receptions, orthopedics, gynecologists, otorhinolaryngologist, internist, pulmonologist, dermatologist, physiotherapy, small procedures, psychologist, laboratory services – cardiac stress test – 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring – succinct sleep apnea examination – ENMG, health certificates, occupational health care, public health nurses reception – treatment of wounds – medical injections and vaccinations – counsel for travelers – removal of sutures – blood pressure monitoring, UVB treatment (with doctor’s referral)
Location doctors and people in charge
Appointment booking by phone and enquiries
The fastest and easiest way to book an appointment is directly through Mehiläinen's online appointment booking service.
Book an appointmentOur phone service is open every day around the clock.
The price list of doctor's appointments and procedures can be found on the Price lists page.
Go to the price listOccupational health services
The diverse occupational health services Mehiläinen offers to companies are always tailored to the size and needs of the company.
Ask for an offer