Service voucher – using a service voucher at Mehiläinen
A service voucher is a personal payment commitment granted by a wellbeing services county to the customer. Mehiläinen is an approved service voucher service provider in several wellbeing services counties.
Services purchased with a service voucher are an alternative to services produced by wellbeing services counties, and they can only be used for specific services defined by the wellbeing services county. Using a service voucher is easy and allows quick access to treatment.
All service providers approved by wellbeing services counties are trustworthy partners. The level of services provided by a private company must correspond to equivalent public services. In addition, wellbeing services counties may have set additional requirements for the services. Mehiläinen is an approved service voucher service provider in several wellbeing services counties, and our customer satisfaction is excellent.
How can I get a service voucher?
Service vouchers are granted by wellbeing services counties. Service vouchers are intended for all those in need of social and health care services in the wellbeing services county.
- A service voucher can be obtained from the health centre, social welfare office or another service unit of your municipality of residence or wellbeing services county.
- Getting a service voucher requires that a municipal social welfare and health care representative, such as a health centre physician, assesses the service need.
- You can check on the Palse.fiExternal link or Parastapalvelua.fi websitesExternal link whether your wellbeing services county or municipality of residence grants service vouchers for purchasing social and health care services.
Go to palse.fi Go to parastapalvelua.fi
Using a service voucher at Mehiläinen
When you have a service voucher and have chosen Mehiläinen from the service provider list:
Appointment booking
To book an appointment, we need the service voucher number and verification code.
When using a service voucher, book an appointment by calling our customer service on +358 (0)10 414 0211 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Open Mon–Fri from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
At the clinic
Before the appointment:
Request the electronic transfer of surgery-related X-ray images to Mehiläinen from the facility where the images were taken. If the electronic transfer is not possible, ask for the images on a CD and bring it with you to the appointment.
Bring the following with you to your appointment:
- service voucher
- proof of identity
- referral from a health centre or social welfare office
- other patient information provided to you for the appointment (e.g. ECG readings, laboratory tests or x-rays).
Arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment and register at the front desk.
Welcome to Mehiläinen
At Mehiläinen, service vouchers can be used for the following services:
Therapy services: Physiotherapy, psychotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc.
Surgery services, such as cataract surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome surgery, trauma patient surgeries, and joint replacement surgeries.
General and Specialist Doctor Appointments
Oral health services
Services for people with disabilities

You can find up-to-date information about available services and approved service providers on the Palse.fiExternal link or Parastapalvelua.fi websitesExternal link.
Cancelling an appointment
If you fail to cancel an appointment or cancel it too late, you may be charged a fee.
- Appointments: Cancel your appointment no later than the day before, either by phone, by using the cancellation link in your booking confirmation or in OmaMehiläinen.
- Psychotherapy: The appointment must be cancelled 48 hours before the scheduled appointment.
- Surgeries: Always check the service voucher-specific terms and conditions separately. Cancellation policies vary depending on the service voucher.
Frequently asked questions about service vouchers
A service voucher is a personal payment commitment granted by a wellbeing services county to the customer.
Services purchased with a service voucher are an alternative to services produced by wellbeing services counties, and they can only be used for specific services defined by the wellbeing services county.
Using a service voucher allows the customer to choose a place of treatment and access treatment quickly without queuing.
The value of the service voucher is determined by the wellbeing services county. The deductible will be charged from the patient.
Mehiläinen is an approved service voucher service provider in several wellbeing services counties.
When you have a service voucher and have chosen Mehiläinen from the service provider list:
- Booking an appointment
To book an appointment, we need the service voucher number and verification code.
When using a service voucher, book an appointment by calling our customer service on +358 (0)10 414 0211 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Open Mon–Fri from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- At the clinic
Arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment and register at the front desk.
Bring the following with you to your appointment:
service voucher
proof of identity
referral from a health centre or social welfare office
other patient information provided to you for the appointment (e.g. ECG readings, laboratory tests or x-rays). - Welcome to Mehiläinen
The service voucher covers the costs entirely in services that are free of charge for the customer in accordance with the Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare. In other services, the deductible is specified based on the difference between the price of the service and the value of the service voucher. The service provider, i.e. the wellbeing services county, charges the deductible according to an agreement. According to law, the deductible is not covered by health insurance.
When using a service voucher, you can also purchase additional services and pay for them yourself. These services are partly reimbursed by Kela when paying for the service. Also see the price list of Mehiläinen.
You can book an appointment and ask for more information about using a service voucher from our customer service on +358 (0)10 414 0211 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Yes. A service voucher is a personal payment commitment granted by a wellbeing services county to the customer, and it specifies the service for which the service voucher has been issued.
Service vouchers are granted by wellbeing services counties. Service vouchers are intended for all those in need of municipal or social and health care services in the wellbeing services county.
- A service voucher can be obtained from the health centre, social welfare office or another service unit of your municipality of residence or wellbeing services county.
- Getting a service voucher requires that a municipal social welfare and health care representative, such as a health centre physician, assesses the service need.
- You can check on the Palse.fiExternal link or Parastapalvelua.fi websitesExternal link whether your wellbeing services county or municipality of residence grants service vouchers for purchasing social and health care services.
Go to palse.fi
Go to parastapalvelua.fi
You can check on the Palse.fiExternal link or Parastapalvelua.fi websitesExternal link whether your wellbeing services county grants service vouchers for purchasing social and health care services.
Yes. When you have a service voucher and have chosen Mehiläinen from the service provider list and booked an appointment at Mehiläinen:
1. Arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment and register at the front desk.
2. Bring the following with you to your appointment:
- service voucher
- proof of identity
- referral from a health centre or social welfare office
- other patient information provided to you for the appointment (e.g. ECG readings, laboratory tests or x-rays).
The services that can be purchased with a service voucher are determined by the wellbeing services counties. You can contact the issuer for further information.
Yes. If you fail to cancel an appointment or cancel it too late, you may be charged a fee.
- Appointments: Cancel your appointment no later than the day before, either by phone, by using the cancellation link in your booking confirmation or in OmaMehiläinen.
- Psychotherapy: The appointment must be cancelled 48 hours before the scheduled appointment.
- Surgeries: Cancelling a surgery must be done seven days before the operation. A fee will not be charged if there is a justified reason for the cancellation, such as illness (requires a medical certificate).