Medical certificate for applying for infectious disease allowance
You can now also apply for infectious disease allowance through your occupational health care service provider.
On 15 February 2022, the Finnish Parliament approved a government proposal for a temporary amendment to the Health Insurance Act. With the amendment, physicians other than those responsible for infectious disease control can also issue a medical certificate for infectious disease allowance. This means that Mehiläinen’s occupational health physicians and general practitioners will also be able to issue the certificate.
The amendment enters into force retroactively from 1 January 2022 and is valid until 30 June 2022.
Infectious disease allowance can be paid if:
- the employee has been reliably diagnosed with COVID-19 (PCR or antigen test) and the illness results in, or has resulted in, loss of income or paid absence from work; or
- the employee’s child under the age of 16 has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and is not recommended to go to day care or school due to the spread of COVID-19, leading to the child’s parent being prevented from doing paid work.
- a home test result does not entitle one to infectious disease allowance.
Infectious disease allowance compensates for loss of income in full.
Please note! Those exposed to COVID-19 are entitled to infectious disease allowance only if they have been put in quarantine on the basis of a decision by a physician responsible for infectious disease control in accordance with the Communicable Diseases Act.
Getting a medical certificate and pricing
Occupational health customers
How to get a medical certificate if your employer’s occupational health agreement covers medical services:
- You can book a phone or remote appointment with an occupational health physician through the appointment booking channels stated by your employer
- You can use OmaMehiläinen’s Digital Clinic:
Start a chat under Respiratory symptoms or COVID-19 tests.
Start a chat at the occupational health clinic of Digital Clinic by selecting COVID-19 tests in the well-being survey. - Please note that you can only receive a certificate from the occupational health service provider for your own case of COVID-19.
Self-paying customers
How to get a medical certificate as a self-paying customer when:
- you have COVID-19
Start a chat in OmaMehiläinen’s Digital Clinic on the channel for Respiratory tract symptoms or COVID-19 tests - your child under the age of 16 has had COVID-19 and you have been absent from paid work to take care them
make sure you have added them to your family profile in OmaMehiläinen. More information about the family profile.
After this, start using Digital Clinic with your child’s information
Using Mehiläinen’s Digital Clinic costs EUR 36/chat after Kela reimbursement.
Please note! If the COVID-19 test was done outside Mehiläinen, make sure before you contact us that you have given us access to your My Kanta Pages so that we can check the COVID-19 test result.