Mehiläinen Vaasa Emergency Services
Mehiläinen Vaasa Emergency Services take care of customers of all ages and all injuries resulting from accidents efficiently without an appointment. We also provide comprehensive examination and further treatment services.
Voit tulla Vaasan päivystykseen ilman ajanvarausta
Ilmoittaudu saapuessasi lääkärikeskuksen asiakaspalvelupisteeseen.
Voit myös varata ajan Vaasan päivystykseemme.

Emergency services are available for everyone – children, adults, athletes and the elderly. Our emergency services treat the following injuries, for example:
- Strains and sprains
- Fractures
- Wounds
- Burns
- Puncture wounds
- Eye injuries
Emergency Services’ customer service 24/7
If our emergency services are not available in your municipality, or you need help in assessing the need for treatment or you need assistance in a matter relating to a referral in a non-urgent matter, you can contact our customer service, which is open 24/7.
Call to make an appointment (local network rate/mobile charge)
Kiireetön hoito
Jos tilanteesi ei vaadi akuuttia hoitoa, voit varata ajan tapaturmiin erikoistuneille lääkäreille, jotka ovat erikoistuneet tutkimaan ja hoitamaan tuki- ja liikuntaelinvaivoja.
Kun kyseessä on jokin muu asia kuin tapaturma, kuten äkillinen sairastuminen, voit varata ajan myös yleislääkäripäivystykseen.
Emergency general practitioner services
If you need treatment for something other than an accident-related injury, such as a sudden illness, you can also make an appointment with a general practitioner.

Digital Clinic in the app and online 24/7
Our Digital Clinic offers help with symptoms and diseases that do not require a physical examination and it is available 24/7.

Price and payment methods at the Emergency Services
The estimated cost of a visit to our emergency service is EUR 110–402. The on-call nurse can tell you the exact costs of examinations and procedures before any imaging or procedures are carried out.
The price consists of:
- specialist fees
- required examinations, such as X-ray examinations
- treatment, such as casting and related supplies
- the service fee and the Kanta fee.
Imaging services are subject to a separate fee.
- The prices of individual X-rays vary between EUR 132–293.
- The prices for other imaging examinations (MRI, ultrasound) vary between EUR 201–880, depending on the extent of the scan.