Mehiläinen's new quality survey: 76% of the respondents cope better with their illness after seeing a physician

Press Release 24.1.2022
A new healthcare quality survey was introduced in Mehiläinen in autumn 2021. The results of the quality survey show that 76% of those who visit medical clinics cope better with their illness after the appointment. Approximately 25,000 customers of Mehiläinen medical clinics responded to the survey. Good results were also obtained from the public healthcare service units.
The survey question* piloted in September-December 2021 measured the impact of a healthcare professional’s appointment on how well the patient is coping with their illness. The respondents answered the question on a four-step scale: much better – worse. The results of the pilot show that 31% of the customers who visited the medical clinics due to illness or symptoms were coping better with their illness and 45% of them much better. After the visit, 16% of the respondents felt that they cope with their illness as before.
- The question is based on scientific research, in which the quality of healthcare has been studied from the perspective of the primary healthcare patient's experience. I am delighted with the results of this survey. Bringing better health and well-being to our patients is at the core of our operations, says Kaisla Lahdensuo, Chief Medical Officer of Mehiläinen.
- We will investigate the group coping ‘as before’ even more closely. All in all, the survey has proved to be an excellent new tool in our quality work and we will continue to develop it together with our customers. The material also enables scientific research, Lahdensuo continues.
Preventive occupational healthcare clinic visits are highlighted
The survey was introduced in Mehiläinen's occupational healthcare services in November-December 2021. In addition to medical care visits, preventive and work ability support visits in occupational healthcare were included, which is why 23% recorded “visit not related to an illness or symptom” as the reason for the visit.
- Of the respondents, 62% of those who visited occupational healthcare and general practitioners due to illness or symptoms felt that they were coping much better or better after the appointment, and 23% that they were coping as before. The result was expected, as treatment relationships with, especially, occupational health physicians are often long and patients are often treated together with other members of the occupational health team in order to find the most suitable solution for the patient's case, says Annika Jalli Medical Director, Occupational Health.
Up to 85% of the respondents who visited the occupational physiotherapist said that they were coping with their symptoms or illness much better or better, and 10% as before.
- This nicely highlights the importance of multi-professional support in patient care, says Jalli.
Good results also in public healthcare services
The survey pilot was also carried out in Mehiläinen clinics offering public healthcare services in Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja and in Harjun terveys.
The share of patients who were coping better or much better after the visit in Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja was 61%. The corresponding share of respondents who visited the dental clinics in the area was up to 88%. The share of patients who were coping better or much better after the visit in Harjun terveys was 64%.
- It seems that oral health in particular is perceived as an effective activity in public healthcare services. We use direct physiotherapist appointments to replace a physician's visit and, in the light of the results, this operating model seems to create health benefits. It is gratifying to note that mental health and substance abuse services also received a good score, says Henri Ärölä, Medical Director, Public Healthcare.
*) The survey was piloted in Mehiläinen's medical clinics and hospitals, Digital Clinic, Harjun terveys and Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja health centres. The question was: “After the visit, I can cope with my illness: Scale for answers: 4= Much better – 1=worse. The survey was sent via SMS to customers who responded to the NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey with a numerical rating.