Mehiläinen on Newsweek’s list of 100 most loved workplaces – based on the Most Loved Workplaces survey

Press Release, June 11, 2024
Based on its research, the Best Practice Institute has awarded Mehiläinen the international Most Loved Workplaces® certificate. With the certification, Mehiläinen also made it on Newsweek’s list of TOP 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces.
- We are very proud to have received the certificate and to be on Newsweek’s global list of most loved workplaces. In addition to Finland, Mehiläinen also operates in Sweden, Estonia and Germany under the brand name Meliva, so international recognition is particularly important to us, says Tatu Tulokas, CHRO at Mehiläinen.
The Most Loved Workplaces certificate is based on research and analysis by the American Best Practice Institute (BPI) to identify the workplaces with the happiest and most satisfied employees. The certificate is based on the scores in the Love of Workplace Index™, which surveyed employees’ views on job satisfaction as well as appreciation, cooperation, support and sense of belonging.
Based on the Most Loved Workplaces certificate, Mehiläinen was also included on the Newsweek 2024 list of TOP 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces. In addition to the Best Practice Institute’s assessment, the list is based on Newsweek’s own research on external websites, as well as interviews and written responses. The Newsweek list recognises workplaces that place employee appreciation and care at the heart of their business model.
- At Mehiläinen, it is important for us to create a working community in which everyone is accepted as they are and in which everyone has equal opportunities to develop their professional skills. We all work towards our common mission: better health and well-being. Mehiläinen's employees describe their workplace as flexible, reliable and developing. These factors build commitment and willingness to develop for the employer, and contribute to building a beloved employer brand, says Tulokas.