Mehiläinen is the most trusted private medical clinic in Finland

Press Release 29 March 2021
Mehiläinen has been chosen as the most trusted private medical clinic in Finland for the second year in a row in the Trusted Brand survey by the Finnish Reader’s Digest. Mehiläinen received 40% of the mentions in the category.
Mehiläinen’s share of votes in the category Most Trusted Private Medical clinic in Finland grew by six percentage points from the previous year’s survey.
- “I would like to warmly thank our customers and all those who responded to the survey for their trust in Mehiläinen. For 111 years, we have been an important part of Finnish health care and we want to continue this work together with our customers,” says Kaisla Lahdensuo, Chief Medical Officer of Mehiläinen.
Respondents to the Trusted Brand survey first named the private medical clinic they trust the most. After that, respondents expressed their opinion on how well five different characteristics fit into this medical clinicon a scale of 1 to 5. According to the results, Mehiläinen’s customers consider Mehiläinen’s quality, product image and understanding of customers’ needs to be the best in the industry.
- “We are very pleased with the results of the Trusted Brand survey. Like the results of the continuous NPS measurement used by Mehiläinen, these results are a testament to the stable, reliable and high-quality service that our experts provide to our customers every day,” says Lahdensuo.
Reader’s Digest commissioned this annual survey for the 21st time in collaboration with the British market research company Wyman Dillon. Private medical centres have been included in the survey since 2013. The survey was conducted as an online survey and the number of respondents was 2,072. The sample was drawn from CIL Suomi Oy’s customer register. The results were weighted according to age (20+ years) and gender to match the population. Using open-ended questions, the survey looked at what the most trusted brands are in a total of 45 different product groups according to survey respondents.