Low-threshold support in occupational health
Available when you need it
The multidisciplinary occupational health team supports you in various situations. Occupational health nurses are familiar with your workplace and have a good grasp of different situations in working life, which is why they function as your primary contact. An occupational health nurse can provide support, review your situation with you and, if necessary, refer you to treatment. Did you know that occupational health nurses are also trained in issues such as sleep, mood and pain management? Keep in mind that, in addition to the services provided by occupational health nurses, you can also book an appointment with an occupational physiotherapist without a referral in matters related to physical well-being.
Learn more about low-threshold occupational health services to support your well-being. Keep in mind that the services listed below may also be available as remote services, such as video appointments. If necessary, check the content of your occupational health agreement from our customer service or your employer.
Our low-threshold service specialists
Life’s worries and crises affect your mood, your coping and your efficiency at the workplace. Support is available, so you don’t have to struggle alone.Mood coaching is available without a referral if you are having a difficult time in your life or at work. Our coaches can provide counselling and help you move forward.
Sleep disorders affect, for example, your quality of life, mood and brain function, including problem-solving ability and memory. Sleep coaches are occupational health nurses who have been trained to treat non-organic sleeping disorders. Appointments are available without a referral. The goal of the coaching is to provide information about various aspects of sleep and offer practical tips for restoring a regular sleep cycle and improving the quality of sleep.
Pain can reduce your quality of life and affect your work ability quickly. If the pain persists or becomes worse, you should seek help. Pain coaches provide support and non-pharmaceutical help and advice for your individual situation without a referral. Pain coaches also provide tips on pain management and self-care.
Heavy physical work, as well as desk work, can strain your musculoskeletal system. If you experience musculoskeletal problems that limit your life or cause pain, you should contact an occupational physiotherapist in good time. Occupational physiotherapists are musculoskeletal specialists who can assess your situation at an appointment and provide self-care instructions to support your health. You do not need a referral for an appointment.
Low-threshold support in OmaMehiläinen
You can get low-threshold support quickly from OmaMehiläinen. We offer our occupational health customers chat services and individual coaching programmes that promote well-being.
Learn more about OmaMehiläinen in occupational health care.
Low-threshold services in OmaMehiläinen
The OmaMehiläinen coaching programmes, which include video content and exercises as well as meetings with an occupational health specialist, provide versatile and flexible support for your well-being. There are several different coaching programmes that cover various topics, including sleep, exercise, nutrition, stress management and well-being at work.
Are you worried about your own coping or concerned about the melancholy, depression or hopelessness you are feeling? Professionals are good chat partners when you need support with something that is troubling you.
The work of supervisors is increasingly varied and requires a wide range of skills. Many issues related to employees’ health, coping at work and absences are issues that would benefit from the support provided by occupational health care.